Internet Security v5.1.889 can't update its virus definitions on Win7 64bit


I’ve been having a problem for at least the last week or so. I have version 5.1.889 of Avast! Internet Security (paid) and it is stuck at virus definition version 110223-0.

When I boot by PC (Windows 7, 64bit), I get the popup saying Avast wasn’t able to update itself the last time around. But when I try to update the virus definitions manually, as soon as the orange progress bar appears, the update program hangs and never continues.

I’m also using Comodo Internet Security Premium, 5.3.181415.1237, virus signature database version: 7925. I’ve been using the two together since I installed Avast in 04/2010 without any update problems with either.

Any help would be appreciated.

Two antivirus at the same time. Sooner or later, problems.
Uninstall the antivirus part of Comodo to use avast.

Also update your avast to version 6…! :wink:

If I just download and install the Avast! 6 Internet Security trial, since I have a valid license will it automatically kick in?

Did you remove version 5 prior to install version 6?
If not remove them both and only install version 6.
It will allow you to insert the license file.