
Before I installed avast I had no problems getting on the internet, now I can’t. Is there something in the program blocking internet explorer? Any help would be appreciated! Thanks!

Welcome to the forums, but we need a little more information to help you.

I don’t use I.E. myself but I wouldn’t think there is anything in Avast that would disable your connection.

If you can provide more details about your operating system, Avast version, any error messages etc; that would help us to resolve the problem Are you using a differnt pc to post or have you uninstalled Avast now?

I have the avast 4 home edition, the free one. I’m using windows XP pro and as soon as I open IE it says there is an error

and yes, I’m using a different pc

Can you post the error please?

Hasten to add I’m no guru, but I’ll help all I can. And knowing these forums, it won’t be long before the problem is resolved.

IE has encountered a problem and needs to close. We are sorry for the inconvenience.

This doesn’t really sound like an IE-message… did you post the exact message… ?

  1. Did avast detect/remove/delete any virus when you ran it first… ?
    If so which, and were was it found… ?

  2. Please read the link “VirusRemoval” below in my sig and

  • post a hijackthis-Log
  • try a scan with avast in SafeMode (F8-Boot) and/or a boot-time scan and report the results here… (don’t delete anything yet…)


it didn’t do anything… ???

it says there is no virus

Can you go to control panel, administrative tools, event viewer, and look for problems listed there under applications and also anti-virus?

Application Error

Faulting application iexplore.exe, version 6.0.2800.1106x faulting module ahascr.dll, version 4.1.4150.0, fault address 0x00004aa1.

and anti-virus it just says system updated

No problems listed with anti-virus?

I’m guessing here, can you uninstall Avast and re-install it with the pc not connected to the net. reboot betwen the uninstall and re-install.

If your system logs aren’t showing a problem with Avast but with I.E. then your problem might lie there. Have you run any spyware/adware programmes on the machine?

ok, I deleted the program, and then was able to get onto IE, so the problem was not there, it is now performing a system scan, so we’ll see if it works in a bit…hopefully it will :-\

Alright! It worked, thanks a ton for your help…even though it was just as simple as reinstalling it. Thankyou!!:smiley:

I’m having great difficulty following you, I’m guessing you uninstalled Avast then reinstalled it and you have internet access, and it’s now working and scanning?

I quote

ok, I deleted the program, and then was able to get onto IE, so the problem was not there, it is now performing a system scan, so we’ll see if it works in a bit…hopefully it will

You beat me to the post!

Thanks for letting everyone know, it might help others also!