Introducing redesigned Reports! Avast Business Cloud Management Console 7.25

We’re pleased to announce that Avast Business Cloud Management Console 7.25 has been released!

This version introduces new Reports in the final phase and it replaces the old reports in the Management Console. We designed those reports with data in mind so we hope they will give you better insights on what happed with your devices and services. Let us know in comments below!

Console version: 7.25
Agent version: 4.19
Windows Antivirus: 19.7
Mac OS X Antivirus: 14.3

Improvements & optimizations

  1. [CBC-10290] New Reports replaced the former Reports as the beta period was successfully finished.
  2. [CBC-9705] Added MAC addresses to the device list export feature.
  3. [CBC-10467] Improved charts in Reports.

4. [CBC-10255] Fixed an issue with getting internal server error when trying to open Tasks tab.
5. [CBC-10286] Fixed an issue with getting error when scheduling a report on Sunday.
6. [CBC-10293] Fixed an issue with an alert showing outdated agents while device overview shows agents up to date.
7. [CBC-10397] Fixed in issue with wrong usage count on the licenses page.
8. [CBC-10241] Removed WAN IP from the device detail and exports. It will be added in the future again.
9. [CBC- 10252] Fixed an issue with installed Patch Management service after device reinstallation.
10. [CBC-10433] Fixed an issue when an agent was continuously running setup procedure.
11. [CBC-10452] Updated Reports and scheduler copy.

Known issues
[CBC-7826][CBC-7696] Password protection controls not applying correctly.
[CBC-8636] Internal Server error when opening custom policies.
[CBC-9820] Installation not following assigned device settings template
[CBC-9850] Config.tar missing from DMG package.
[CBC-9917] Getting an error message after moving devices to another group after installation.
[CBC-9920] Multiple email notifications for one threat event are generated.
[CBC-9966] Patch Management licenses are not assigned correctly.
[CBC-9993] Devices cannot be found from Threat Detection Statistics widget
[CBC-10256] Licenses are not assigned to a device correctly.
[CBC-10377] Running Patch Management service after trial expiration.
[CBC-10453] User invites not being received.

Avast Business Cloud Management Console 7.25