
Welcome Jeff!

Nice to have another malware specialist here, even though my time is very limited on the forums lately.

Welcome aboard. I’m sure the other qualified malware techs are glad to
receive any assistance you can lend to their efforts in cleaning up an infection,
Those that come here seeking help will also be glad you decided to stop here. :slight_smile:

i join in to then and say welcome to the forum jeff.

Thank you so much everyone for the welcomes. I look forward to helping where I can…when given authorization to do so. I would not just jump in without having been vetted and found capable of helping here.

@RNfromTN… I am in TN too…if that means Tennessee LOL!!

Hi welcome to the forums!

Now your contribution will ease the job on essexboy! ;D

I salute u malware removal experts… :slight_smile:

Thanks! :slight_smile: I would not put myself anywhere near the same level as essexboy however. essexboy has probably forgotten more than I know LOL!!!

Yup…I try to learn new techniques in removing malware everyday. Whether I am successful or not is still up for debate. :smiley:

Until I get to my 20 posts I am not able to respond to PMs so please don’t think I am ignoring. As for the question asked…I am not at liberty to discuss the inner workings of that tool.

A late welcome from me to you jeffce, qualified help from friendly people are always welcome here :slight_smile:

So jeffce,

How do you like the recently upgraded layout of the forums? It came with the CP of avast! 7.

Thanks for the welcome craigb…you can just call me jeff. :slight_smile:

@!Donovan…the layout seems fine to me. seems pretty self-explanatory and user friendly. I have not had the opportunity to browse through the forum completely though but I am sure the rest is great. :slight_smile:

You can just call me craig :wink: ;D

And you can just call me Donovan. 8)

Hahaha Ok :slight_smile:

:-* :-* :-*

;D ;D


seems everyone is working hard here to get you the 20 post`s ;D

Yeah they seem to be. LOL Just a few more!

Just a few more. ;D

Dare to dream!! ;D