As new kid on the block,this is the first post here ,so before any serious posting here,I w’d like to say an introductory hello to all fellow members of this lovely forum.
As an absolute newbie to this wonderful world of computers(barely 3-4 months old)and without any formal training of neither hardware nor software,Iam just trying to learn a bit everyday,by exploring the world as it comes everyday-meaning I run into problems very often and get scared very easily,but now that i have found this forum with lots and lots of good,educative information and with the helping hand extended by the members/moderators,I am sure I should start feeling a bit relaxed and easy…
Be sure to check out many of the sections on this forum and you will learn much about anti-virus, spyware, solutions to problems, as well as computers in general. There is a wealth of information on this forum.
Also be sure to come back often and, in time, help others.
Thanks a lot guys for your welcome and encouragement.I already feel nice about this forum after having gone through the posts and the replies posted.
I do have lots and lots of queries,doubts(being a newbie) and I intend to post these here from time to time.Some of these may sound too naive or basic to you experienced geeks,so please bear with me.
Browse the forums, especially the sticky topics at the top of each of the forums, not to mention the avast help file. They provide a wealth of information to help you get the best from avast.