Intrusive and stops exe files


As an indie game developer I am having trouble with Avast.

Sometimes I have to disable Avast to start my games, and the same goes for other people playing it.

I do not have silent mode on in Avast and I made my brother do the same kind of tests and the same issues happened for him.

When I start .exe files it sometimes acts strange, nothing happens, can even delete the file and for other .exe files .dll errors come up. But with Avast disabled they work.

If those .exe files are currently tested by Avast and are “locked” or something, can’t there be a message about this on the screen so users understand what is happening? Or a question about if you want to search it for virus or just run it anyway?
Because it seems very intrusive that a virus program can just stop a program from executing without any kind of message of why, leaving the user in contempt of the program instead of the actual culprit, which is the virus program.

How can this be solved? Do AAA game developers send their games to you first to disable these things from happening, or how do other people handle this?

As you’re a developer, read here…