Glad it’s working. App updates are being handled by Google Play and Android OS so not our fault it got stuck But I must say I’m sometimes having problems installing/updating apps as well.
If you have AMS 2.0.3587 and virus definitions at least 132901-02 (I think) then all should be fine. Just run the scan again and the problems will disappear.
Checked play and there was an update. Updated and it fixed the problems, thanks.
I would guess you’ll be checking your test procedures, as it seems strange to me that the virus definitions wouldn’t cause any problems in your labs like they did with users, so somehow they didn’t get tested.
Perhaps it would be a good idea, before rolling out new virus definitions, to always have a copy of the current ones but with a higher version number than the new one, so they can be put in place and rolled out to those who got updated by mistake. So, for example, if the current definitions are version 100 and you are rolling out new ones with version 101, have a copy of 100 ready but labelled version 102, so they will replace 101 in case it’s corrupted.
It might also be a good idea to have Avast save the previous version so you can send a command to roll back or commit after they’ve been in place for a certain amount of time.
In any case, thanks for the quick response to this problem.
All you had to do was delete AMS’ data through the Android apps manager. This would have deleted the bad database and then AMS would have downloaded the new fixed one. Really no need for a Program Update. I had the problem and that’s how I fixed it. That might be a heads up in the unlikely event that it happens again.
I had the same problem. I have downloaded the upgrade from the Play store and it has fixed the problem. Questions:
[ol]- My definitions version is 130129-03, not 132901-02. When I Check For Updates Now, I get a message that I have the latest version.
In Connection Type for Automatic Updates I have pressed the WiFi and 3G buttons so that they are black and the roaming button is grey - is this correct to ensure that I will always get my updates except when roaming?
I tried to follow the advice to Clear Data for AMS, but this warned me that I would lose all my settings. It took me quite a long time to set up all the Firewall and Anti-theft options, so I did not want to lose them, so I did not try this option. Is there a way to save these settings before clearing data?[/ol]
Ahh okay. I don’t use the firewall or antitheft parts so the only thing I lost was the AV database. I can fully understand why you chose to do it the way you did. I don’t have a cell phone of any kind. I’m using AMS on a Nexus 7 tablet that never leaves the house so I don’t need the anti-theft. The firewall feature says your device has to be rooted which I don’t want to do so I don’t use that either. I don’t know of a way to save any settings but maybe someone else does.
That’s fine, you have (or had at the moment) the latest version.
That is correct. Buttons with the little orange mark are on, grey ones are off.
There is not, unfortunatelly. Although the Anti-Theft options shouldn’t be affected. But you don’t have to do that if you don’t have the “Invalid context during scan” error, which by the definitions version I assume you don’t have.
I’m confused. I’ve had the same problem for two days on the Samsung Galaxy s3: “invalid context” on problems found, and then “virus definitions invalid” with an “unkown” version when I try to run an update for AMS. Have powered on/off several times and have been trying to get the update for two days on WiFi (WiFi is the only way I can access). What exactly do I need to do? (in simple terms please)
I believe you downloaded Mobile Security from the usual place, Google Play, correct? I have released a new version of the whole application on Google Play yesterday, the new version is 2.0.3587. You can check your application version in Settings-About. If you have an older version, please, update the Mobile Security application from Google Play. After running the updated version, the definitions shouldn’t be “unknown” anymore. If you run a manual scan after that, all those “invalid contexts” should disappear.
Flip, thanks. Yes, I used google play. I have done as you instructed. It seems to be corrected now. Except after running play update and manual scan my version reads: 130130-00
Severely pissed off now!!! 600+ invalid context messages; have followed every idea to do the updates and kibosh the probem, but it is now just getting worse, with EVERYTHING being picked up as virus.
Also the damn captcha forms - what sort of pillock uses them on forums like this for a standard reply. Having just typed out an entire post only to have it wiped and forced to start again because the stupid things aren’t ever clear enough to properly identify.
So, a recap: Need advice on why this message keeps appearing, and also what is being done for the updates so that this does not keep on occurring.
Every time I run the scanner it gives a different number…