On upgrading the AVAST Free software I am now getting an invalid floating point error when I open Mailwasher Free 6.5.4 an email filtering program (from http://www.mailwasher.net/). If I uninstall AVAST the problem goes away. If I install the version before the most recent software upgrade, with Auto Sandbox, the problem also doesn’t occur. I’ve tried to find where I can add Mailwasher to a list of trusted software but have been unsuccessful. Any ideas?
[EDIT: Mailwasher continues to work properly despite this error occuring when the program is run]
What if you stop avast’s shields one by one (e.g. The Script Shield, Behavior Shield, FileSysytem Shield) - does stopping a particular shield make the problem disappear?
I tested it by disabling each shield one at a time and then by disabling all shields. There was no change to the invalid floating point problem Mailwasher is experiencing.
Ok… from what I can tell it is a Mailwasher issue and not an AVAST issue. Avast is just detecting the issue. If I understanding it occurs if there is an uninitialised floating point in an application and that SP3 should have fixed it… but hasn’t. Will prob. just uninstall Mailwasher and try a different email filter.