Invalid Floating Point Error

On upgrading the AVAST Free software I am now getting an invalid floating point error when I open Mailwasher Free 6.5.4 an email filtering program (from If I uninstall AVAST the problem goes away. If I install the version before the most recent software upgrade, with Auto Sandbox, the problem also doesn’t occur. I’ve tried to find where I can add Mailwasher to a list of trusted software but have been unsuccessful. Any ideas?



[EDIT: Mailwasher continues to work properly despite this error occuring when the program is run]

What if you stop avast’s shields one by one (e.g. The Script Shield, Behavior Shield, FileSysytem Shield) - does stopping a particular shield make the problem disappear?

I tested it by disabling each shield one at a time and then by disabling all shields. There was no change to the invalid floating point problem Mailwasher is experiencing.

So nothing huh…


I would uninstall Mailwasher, remove any left over Mailwasher folders and files along with cleaning the Registry.

Then retart and reinstall Mailwasher.

Don’t know if that will solve the problem but that is what I would do. :slight_smile:

I have already done that a few times - uninstalling AVAST fixes it… clearly I don’t want to do this.

Ok… from what I can tell it is a Mailwasher issue and not an AVAST issue. Avast is just detecting the issue. If I understanding it occurs if there is an uninitialised floating point in an application and that SP3 should have fixed it… but hasn’t. Will prob. just uninstall Mailwasher and try a different email filter.

Thanks for posting back. Maybe you can receive any help from MailWasher support team ::slight_smile: