Every time I make an attempt to scan a file my Avast 4 lastest edition causes an invalid page fault.
It’s ASHQUICK caused an invalid page fault in module unknown at 0000:1b10ec7d
Why is this happening and how can I let it scan without getting these faults?
Also, after this happens I can’t access the Avast Interface.
The original page fault (in ashQuick) seems to occur within the Microsoft JET drivers.
I would recommend to update these drivers - you can download the latest MDAC package from http://www.microsoft.com/data
Another possibility would be switching the database from ODBC to XML in avast4.ini file…
Disappointed :-
Of course I am at a XP system, or better, XP Pro SP1 fully updated and that was a avast! error message in Portuguese. I cannot reproduce that error, but never mind it does not appear again.
Vlk, if it helps, I’m using myIE2 as browser and not IE :
This message “memory at address xxxx couldn’t be read” occurs on my system when I try to shutdown my printer’s desktop interface.
It seems to be related to a task trying to read a part of the memory which is locked by another task. Don’t ask me why memory couldn’t be read, it’s a nonsense.
I searched the web and read a lot of articles, without success. Microsoft doesn’t ever mention this message on their web sites.
Unfortunately, I didn’t see any solution other than reinstalling XP, and I can’t assure you it works as I never tried.
He he, it is a little bit more complicated Mac ;D
I’m using Desktop Architect and some messages (especially the error messages) ‘come back’ my XP system back to Windows 98 view.
The common use is very nice, although
I was just wondering – MacLover, how do you (or all you guys at MacWorld) see the future of Macs in the server arena? (I’m talking about Xserve and its descendants)
It seems like a very nice box but is it really worth the money? And are the apps for desktop Macs and server Macs cross-compatible?
actually MOST products are cross-compatible but the system requirements are diffrent for the software. Our Opinion is that the Mac Server will NEVER pass the windows server world as far as the number of units in operation. But the desktops very well may as many windows users dont like all of the security flaws and that you have to updrade every year. Apple servers also have the most storage capacity the biggest model holds 2.52 Terabytes!(makes my mouth water ;D) Very well worth the money. our review is found below http://www.macworld.com/2003/09/reviews/252tbxserveraid/
anton is our server expert so he wrote the review not me
Just curious, I know little about this now days :-\ But aren’t the MS based NAS/RAID servers up to something like 20 Terabytes now?
I’m also wondering what your opinion is if MAC did ever supercede PC destops, wouldn’t the picture change and MACs would become more targeted by virus’s etc (or is this not possible!). I don’t know the answer, just curious and interested
Just curious, I know little about this now days But aren't the MS based NAS/RAID servers up to something like 20 Terabytes now?
the biggest I have seen is a 9 terabyte dell but the price is so way out there it would deplete any corps. funds to buy it. and with all that space the server would be a lot bigger to hold all those hard drives.
I'm also wondering what your opinion is if MAC did ever supercede PC destops, wouldn't the picture change and MACs would become more targeted by virus's etc (or is this not possible!). I don't know the answer, just curious and interested
its possible but because of the OS design it is much harder and takes a lot more effort to make a virus for a mac.
By the way apple has announced within 6 months the G5 processor will reach 3ghz like intel but it will be avalible only in a dual chipset apple computers will once agian compete with intel. this should get people to take a look at macs. Personally I think the 1.25 ghz laptop of mine is faster than a new dell computer.
not really the G5 starts at 1799 so does the dell XPU start about the same price. really great the G5 is I ordered 2 more 1GB chips today so I can expand to 8GB. Just to have the biggest mac for the time being.
and I can get the ram through macworld for about half price ;D
I think the G5 and the dell XPU are about equal. only diffrence the dell has more HD space.
ok what would a company need with 20Tb of space? really come on thats a waste of money. Apple Xserve RAID has all the space you REALLY need. How many corps actually order the 20TB models? not too many I would think. I have an old Xserve 200Mhz 125Gb at home that I bought off our IT staff when they upgraded and am playing around with it I installed MAC OS 7.6 server and it can do anything those fancy Flextors can just mabye not quite as fast