A couple nights ago while streaming avast gave me a pop up to let me know that unless I bought the vpn my IP address was visible, and for some reason displayed the address on screen. So now everyone watching has my ip address. Needless to say I’m deleting avast, and every friend and family member I have will be warned about your disgusting business practice.
What do you think these people will do with your IP address…I’m sure your guests already know your location ;D
@ brendonfreeman96
They aren’t saying “unless I bought the vpn my IP address was visible.”
It is saying that your IP Address is visible and the only way to prevent that is by using a VPN, which one you choose is entirely up to you. I know my IP address is visible, yet I haven’t considered using a VPN, Avast’s or otherwise.
I have been using avast free for over 17 years and without a VPN (before they even became known).
Don’t give me that, people like you are part of the problem. What do I think a possible cyber criminal could do with my ip address? Get my location and intrude on my personal life. Scan the open ports in my network. Hit me with a ddos. Frame me for illegal activity. Theres absolutely no reason for my virus protection to show my ip address on screen with a pop up ad. Its wrong and laughable when they claim they “value your security”. The fact that the first two people to respond act like its no big deal is an actual joke, you disgraces lol
Your public IP address is known by many including your ISP, etc.
A simple search for ‘what’s my IP address’ will show it to you.
A VPN can hide your IP making it harder for folks to track you.
Now you also count me as one of those people that are part pf the problem.
Have a nice day.
Well every website that you visit knows your IP address (unless you use a VPN), how otherwise would they deliver the web pages you are visiting.
So what do you think that they could do with your IP address.
Whether his IP address can be used in a wrong way or not, no one feels comfortable broadcasting their IP address to the world. The OP has every right to be furious. Avast shouldn’t have shown a popup with his IP address visible in it while he was streaming. So please don’t come up with any lame excuses.
Who is broadcasting it to the world ?
The streaming service would certainly know his IP in order to deliver the stream.
As far as I’m aware the avast popup is local system only.
Looks like you don’t know what streaming is or didn’t read properly what the OP said. He was live streaming what he was doing on his PC and some viewers were wathcing him live. For example a gamer streaming the game he is playing. So it’s not about the streaming service, it’s the viewer who were watching him live saw his IP address. This is something you woldn’t want to show to random public on the internet. Just visit Twitch to understand what the OP meant.
Sometimes I wonder if anyone is checking the available settings.