invisible days in taskbar

Ok so i have had little problem. Sorry I havent good english language skill. I have windows xp. Near on the clock is day of week. Today is monday. This selection was hidden. Isnt there. It was a virus. I have a log Malwarebytes anti malware

C:\CORE10k.EXE (Trojan.Agent) → Quarantined and deleted successfully.
C:\WINDOWS\rundll16.exe (Fake.Dropped.Malware) → Delete on reboot.
C:\WINDOWS\system32\vcmgcd32.dll (Trojan.Agent) → Delete on reboot.
C:\WINDOWS\logo1_.exe (Worm.Viking) → Delete on reboot.
C:\WINDOWS\system32\systems.txt (Trojan.FakeAlert) → Delete on reboot.

Avast with full update cant detected this. One of this viruses hide my day of week near my clock on windows xp in my taskbar. Can you add to your core in avast? I need protection of this viruses because this problem will be back to few days. I dont know which viruse is priority of my problem. One from log. Maybe. Can you protect me? I dont have buyed Malwarebytes anti malware program i cant use real time protection but i can use only scan.

Whilst they are in the MBAM quarantine they can’t do any harm. However if you can copy them and send the samples to avast it would be good.

Unfortunately unlike avast it doesn’t have an option to extract them to a temporary folder where you could zip, password protect and send the samples. The only option it gives is to delete or restore and with malware you don’t want to restore to the original location it is too risky.

You could copy them from the quarantine folder, but I suspect that they would be encrypted as are those that avast puts in the chest, so they wouldn’t be much use.

Without sample it is hard to add anything, but you should retain MBAM and do regular on-demand scans to act as a back-up to avast.

sorry its very hard for me

i tried it but this files was delete its wrote in a log i cant pack this files because dont exists.

Because it isn’t advisable to restore malware to its original location (to high a risk), unless you are very well protected and confident in what you are doing, leave the files in the MBAM quarantine.

There is nothing you can do and I wouldn’t ask you to do it if you weren’t comfortable as there is an associated risk which isn’t worth it just for the samples.

There is a copy of the file kept in the quarantine files location in addition to deleting the file from the original location. Files in the Quarantine are encrypted, as I was able to copy one from an old detection on my system and upload it to virustotal, not one of the 36 scanners detected anything because it was encrypted.