IP block some country?

Hi malware fighters,

Some users want to block a complete IP-range for a specific country or include, here is how:

Polonus, PeerGuardian does a good job on XP… but it does not work well on Vista. Do you know a similar program?

Hi Tech,

That alternative is there, and it is called ProtoWall, works as well as PeerGuardian, and works very well on Vista:


Thanks. I’ll take a look. Hope it has updatable lists of IP for blocking, like PeerGuardian.

Hi Tech,

That is handled by this free program for ProtoWall the Blocklist Manager:

This Blocklist Manager works the same for ProtoWall as for PeerGuardian

Checked download link with DrWeb’s online:
Anti-virus engine version:
File size: 24467 bytes, with inside scripts and frames: 70232 bytes

blocklist_manager.php - archive HTML

blocklist_manager.php/JavaScript.0 - OK
blocklist_manager.php/Script.1 - OK
blocklist_manager.php/Script.2 - OK
blocklist_manager.php/Script.3 - OK
blocklist_manager.php - OK

This page also includes scripts/frames. All of them were also checked:

* http://pagead2.googlesyndication.com/pagead/show_ads.js
* http://www.google-analytics.com/urchin.js
* http://mvtracker.com/tss/extremeis.js


I wish ProtoWall does this by itself… like PeerGuardian that does not need a 3rd party just to download the lists.

ProtoWall did not install in my Vista Business 32bits system.
Tried three times. Not a solution, rather, it will bring connections problems for me.

Vista info. Microsoft is disbanding Vista and will be offering Windows 7 soon.

People said the same for Vista release… it was postponed.
People said the same for XP… begging we stay with Windows 98…

If you believe that, you probably believe in fairies too ;D

That would be extremely costly for MS and effectively admitting that Vista was/is a failure, something which I doubt they would do.

The talk I have heard for the next version is 2010 in some newsletters, but even that isn’t confirmed. Which will probably be good for me as I can’t see me switching from XP Pro as it does everything that I need of it and its support life cycle is beyond that.