iPhone 3G boot failure complaints pile up

The iPhone 3G appears to be having a few software issues that are leaving a few disgruntled customers in its wake.


These kind of problems are to be expected with any new technology, Which is why I wait a while to buy stuff like this.

Please read iPhone iWon’t:

Unfortunately this is true. Even my Own iPhone 3G has been less than perfect, sometimes it will reboot for no apparent reason ::slight_smile: and the battery life has been terrible because the current version of the iPhone OS allows programs to stay resident in memory even after you close them, which Apple promised a new innovative way to prevent but then delayed the release of the new memory management “Until sometime Later this year”. I wish they would hurry up and release that darn 2.1.0 update already >:(

Edit: here is what I was talking about as far as nwe way to manage memory, but like I said its not Implemented yet.


Sorry to hear your having trouble Mac, Hopefully there will be a fix soon.