Is akamai and google adwords experiencing problems?

For a greater part of the day this site is down for maintanance:
For that IP I get

Invalid URL

The requested URL “/”, is invalid.
Reference #9.31dedd58.1452552916.a36143b

The reverse DNS =
Is this just locally in Amsterdam or are there also problems elsewhere?
On 20.00 pm 3 problems with Google (Dec. 10th 2016)
Users in the States could use this site to search for down problems and/or report them: [i][/i]
Could be there is an ongoing attack here: (XSS attack)
that is the mail server there. All not available:
Service Info: OS: AsyncOS; Device: specialized; CPE: cpe:/o:cisco:asyncos
Seems the problem is in Massachusetts: |_http-title: Invalid URL
| ssl-cert: Subject: B.V./stateOrProvinceName=NOORD-BRABANT/countryName=NL



Going into the second day, temporarily not available, technical maintanance: -
Are they working on a new site? Site again available, just had to cleanse the browser cache.
Probably my results were due to using the KB SSL Enforcer extension in Google Chrome,
setting it on ignore produced the right results.
