I don’t know, I use Intel motherboard, after these 2 months patches, my audio interface produced some audio dropouts/glitches/underruns/pops/clicks those have never ever heard in the exactly same system before the patch tuesday of Aug.
Not sure if it is related to my Avast 2014.9.0.2021 or not, and wondering would it be not compatible enough with the new Windows 8.1 Update 2 or not.
Kernel/HAL and other internal system files are modified quite frequently. These minor updates don’t modify internal structures and that’s why avast works correctly on these OSes. However, the problem arises with new leaked Windows OSes/Customer Preview/Beta/RCx versions, because we’d have to change our code to support these OSes (you have to manually download this OS for both platforms and compare the changes). It’s worth to do this homework only for “major” releases (like CP/RC/RTM).
just reset and fresh reinstalled my OS and all my softwares, with the latest Avast 2015, dropout sounds and audio underruns are still existed, please help…