Heard Norton 360 isn’t compatible for 64 bits system. Is that true with Avast too? ???
No it isn’t correct or it wouldn’t be working on your version of win7 64bit in your signature.
Whilst avast isn’t a native 64bit program it has the required 64bit drivers/files, etc. to run on 64bit systems.
Sorry, I think you misunderstood me! Following this thread on the Wilders forum http://www.wilderssecurity.com/showthread.php?t=341736 it says that Norton doesn’t protect of all threats on 64 bits systems as for the 32 bits systems where protection is more complete. Comodo Internet Security for example claims they offer the 64 bits system protection. What about Avast? I know it runs, but what about protection on 64 bits systems in face of the usual 32 bits systems???
I saw nothing in your one line post that I could misunderstand, certainly nothing in relation to the wilders topic.
I honestly don’t know what the difference would be, by the same logic shouldn’t it be harder to infect 64bit systems. But given the Originator of that topic itman’s post http://www.wilderssecurity.com/showpost.php?s=140a79f013a398cb2efe87b67afb1dee&p=2188431&postcount=10 it would appear that avast passes those tests.