Is Avast hard on resources?

I’ve a 1 Ghz processor and 512 MB RAM on a 120 GB hard drive (with very little in use). Previous to installing Avast, my computer seemed to hum right along. I’m not sure if it is my imagination or whether or not I’m noticing a lag in response time to my mouse/cursor and commands given the computer. So, naturally I’m wondering whether Avast has a problem in this area. Previously I had used AVG without any incident. Thanks.

The only slowdown avast! could cause would be scanning the files you are accessing; you can try the difference yourself if you stop the resident protection temporarily (to pause the Stardard Shield should be enough). Unless you have some really paranoid settings of the Standard Shield, I think you will not notice much (any) difference - you have lots of memory, big (–> probably fast) hard drive and rather decent CPU.

Loss of response to mouse movements would be rather strange (unless you have some other problems… such as turned off DMA for HDD access or something like that). What operating system are you using anyway?

Besides what Igor says, if you install avast right now (or a few days ago…) maybe you can set the VRDB to be done when your Screen Saver is running and not when computer is idle.
I have much less memory and avast works perfectly.
Any other av use more RAM than avast! See;action=display;threadid=611;start=new

Thanks. I’m running Windows XP Home edition. You’re probably right, Igor… paranoia? :-\

I think Igor is right too but if I could help you more than him so congratulations to foruns… :wink:

Yeah ive gotta say since installing avast! there is a huge lag on my machine, its a p4 2gig with 512mb of ram, but has slowed right down.

Will look at setting scan to screen saver time instead!