I’m running an up to date Avast (12.3.2280) on my Win7 system.
Yesterday I downloaded a ‘zip’ file that when I opened it, turned out to be not what it should have been.
Avast popped up saying it had stopped… bla bla bla, something & I backed out, deleted the file.
I then noticed a number of new shortcuts on my desktop… links to websites. (so I deleted them)
Today when I started up the computer & opened my browser (chrome) I found the page it opens to (normally Google.ca) had been changed to some porn site (http://pbgvv.kikdating.club/c/da57dc555e50572d?s1=776&s2=5771&click_id=1586957ba7fe35433288295). Trying to reset the page Chrome opens to has not been successful & I’m still trying to figure out how & where it’s jumping to the porn site.
Is THIS the kind of protection that I get with the free version of Avast, or have I neglected to set some setting that would have prevented it?
After years of using a different free antivirus, I recently switched to Avast. If this is protection… I’m not impressed.