is avast server having issues

I just reformatted one of my computer, tried to install avast, I let it install the stuff but when it reaches vps_32-c94.vpx, its downloading very slowly its been 10 mins and its at 20% , I’m not even halfway done through the installation… And windows update is telling me to restart.

are avast servers having issue? Pretty sure its not my internet cuz I used another PC to do a speed test, I’m still @ 300Mbps.

avast installation is taking too long.

In the past when I installed avast ( prob last year, on a new reformatted computer) installation process won’t take more than 10 mins, now its like taking an hour on a reformatted computer… Not sure if it’s my fault or avast’s fault.

btw my C drive is empty, jus my windows 7 OS and I’m jus trying to install the ais

You are talking about windows update telling you to restart, so presumably windows update was in progress when trying to install avast. This would put a serious crimp in the avast on-line installation, the windows updates even on my system with fast broadband can take some time.

The file you mention is I believe is one of the virus definition database files, this could be quite large.

Why not use the off-line installation file:
AIS: -
Download this and save it to your hard drive, where you can find it again and use that to install.

Ya I realize there’s an option for offline installation the file is 119MB , looks like the same file I first download last year.

this new online setup file (4.5MB) is terrible as hell.

Does the offline version work the same cause my computer will be online, so I assume although it says offline setup, its actually the full ais? It will auto update as long as I’m on the internet right? I have a license file.

Why did avast change the installer, the previous one ( now known as offline installation ) was the best and this new online setup thing Is crap …

Oh and the offline installer is the full ais right? The online installer is basically a setup that will download every single file from avast server while the offline one download everything in 1 shot and unpack em and install em? Which explains why its 119MB compared to 4.5MB

The whole point of the off-line installation is you can be off-line when you install as it has everything in the one file, as you said that is why it is much bigger.

The on-line stub installer is just going to manage the downloading and installation of the program, so it has to at the very least download the full installation, based on your choices if you use a custom install. I have however found that the on-line installation takes much longer than just downloading the full off-line installation file.

Dear DavidR,

Where would we go to get the “offline” installers?


J.R. “AutoSandbox Guy” Guthrie

“At this point in time, the Internet should be regarded as an Enemy Weapons System!”

Never mind! Here they are, all the “offline” installers


J.R. “AutoSandbox Guy” Guthrie

“At this point in time, the Internet should be regarded as an Enemy Weapons System!”

Maybe avast should consider removing the online setup, the offline one works like perfectly

In the past, didn’t avast use the offline installer? I remember last year everything was done through the offline installer( at least that’s what they are calling the installer now) , then avast decided to switch to online installer?