Is Avast spamming usenet?

The following was recently posted in various usenet newsgroups…newsgroups unrelated to computers or software. The newsgroups were related to cooking, TV and home repair.

Hi Friends I am using avast! Free Antivirus to protect my PC and it serves me very well. Give it a try at
#Selvam S

It seems strange that a random person would post a recommendation for Avast on usenet, so one might assume that someone from Avast is spamming usenet. Some have said that if Avast is going to start spamming, they may look elsewhere for virus protection. I tend to agree.

I’m curious as to your thoughts on this issue. Is it possible that a representative from Avast spamming usenet? I hope not. That would be a shame.

That is a personal referal link, linked to his Avast account. Seems he’s spamming to earn a free avast license via the recommendation program. See:

Thanks for the reply.

You used the words “he’s spamming”. I agree, but after reading the post that you linked to, it seems to me that Avast et al is encouraging people to do that, which is just as bad as Avast employees doing it themselves.

“Share the unique link via social networks or email.”

If that’s not blatantly encouraging people to spam, I don’t know what is. I’m disappointed. Over the past few year’s I’ve recommended Avast to countless friends and family members. I don’t know if I’ll be doing that anymore.