My Avast subscription has ended recently and I am planning on renewing it for a year or two. The problem is that In the next few months I may be purchasing a new computer. I was wondering if when I renew the Avast subscription on this computer, when I purchase my new one, is it possible to transfer Avast from one computer to another. I was thinking I could renew Avast internet security on this one, then transfer the licence key to the new one with out having to pay for the whole Anti-Virus system again. I don’t really want to stay unsecured for the period of time until I get a new computer.
Save your licence file (license.avastlic) that you get when you renew and that can be used on the new system, uninstall avast on the old system once you get the new one.
You can use the license on any computer, provided that it is still valid and you don’t exceed the number of computers the license is for.
Thanks for asking this as it answered my question that i was going to post, as i am soon to be buying new computer parts and my antivirus is about to expire on my current system. This save my bacon! Thanks guys