I don’t think a choice of browser is any different than any other tool one purchases.
Could we say the purchase of a certain make of automobile indicates less intelligence?
A choice of air conditioner?
I am frequently amazed, still, by how little people know about their cars, and if it breaks may not have a clue as to how to check for some very basic thing wrong that may save them much money, instead of instantly calling for a tow truck.
I find it amazing how many people don’t know that just cleaning filters can do wonders in helping an air condition perform better.
So what browser people use fits in about the same, I’d say. It doesn’t make a heck of a lot of difference what tool you use. it only matters how much you know about that tool so you can get the most out of it. Then if your choice isn’t providing you with enough options, you go get a more robust tool. Not everyone goes and buys an 18-wheeler for their first vehicle.
I apologize that I was not aware that the discussion was about using updated browsers. I thought the discussion was something on the line of smart people use browser “A” and dumb people use browser “B” – both being the latest version, but just from different manufacturers/makers/designers.
And the contention that a browser is not “just a tool” really is not a view I can hold to. What is it, then? As far I’m concerned all these things, except me, at this work station are tools. A computer is not a living thing. It’s just a fancy tool. Just like that first calculating machine that replaced my old slide rule. In fact, I seem to remember some mechanical calculator that was activated with a slot machine style little arm.