Is it Ok to Leave the Avast Sandbox Enabled When Updating Windows Updates?

Is it safe to leave the Avast Sandbox ON when updating Windows Updates or installing other programs?

I have mine set to “ask” for that reason.

I will set it for ask. I had mine set to automatic so is that ok? Should the shield come up still if I had it on automatic?

If you mean the autosandbox in the Free version, I see no reason not to leave it on. I would highly doubt that it would try to sandbox anything coming from Windows Update. It certainly didn’t for me.

I will put it on ask or turn it off then. Thank you for your help. Also have there been any FP’s before for the sandbox?

what i think is windows update happens on restart half part when shutting down and half after booting…
so whats the problem with having avast sandbox auto or ask??

I mean avast sandbox is not active during this…If I am not wrong

There have been no FP’s I know of unless you mean alerts for safe programs. There have been some of those but very few. I was saying that I see no reason to turn it off when doing Windows Updates. As far as having it on ask goes, that’s how mine stays all the time.

Eh, technically no. It flags things only as “suspisious” or not, so since it is never “positive” about anything, a FP is technically not possible.

But technicalities aside, it has sandboxed things everyone and their mother knows is safe before, yes. But less reports of this (here on the forum anyway) since it was first released till now.

Shes worried about if the Avast sandbox had an error and trapped the windows update yellow shield.

Who is she here by the way?

Anything Microsoft related is whitelisted.

22 updates came 3 or 4 days ago in my 2 computers and Avast Sandbox didn’t ask anything…rm

Wrong. Just wrong.
There is no whitelist at all.

If I have sandbox set to auto will it still alert me if something is caught?

what do you mean by something is caught…? If its a virus then its not a job of autosand box but file shield will alert you. But if its a suspicious file then YES avast sandbox will give you an option to run it in a virtual environment

I guess he doesn’t trust us. :o

Avast has given me a few sandbox alerts whilst installing safe programs. But it has never given me an alert for windows updates.

Yes…already. The auto-sandbox is for “processes”. Which are executable. Files being downloaded are inert until opened. Once the file is executable then the auto-sandbox kicks in. Until then the file shield will do the hard lifting. Windows updates are not executable until configured. And will not be sandboxed. :slight_smile:

What do you mean by configured? Shes afraid if the yellow update shield got trapped in the sandbox and it may not appear again. Last time she had a lot of windows updates and shes afraid if they were sandboxed since they were a lot.

On avast last time for “end now” box thing when shutting down it said something .exe. popped up when restarting the computer right when she installed those updates. is this still OK? also, it was a bit slow when everything was closing.