Is it possibe to make a boot disk?

Is it possible to make a boot disk/ rescue disk?

If so how?


Sorry some of my ? are simple i am really new to avast. ???

Avast uses it’s own VRDB technology for file recovery. Check the Avast help files for more information.

It’s not possibel to create a botdisk using Avast.

Like Culpeper said it uses to own process called : VRDB

If you really want to create a good boot disk go here :

You can also download “F-prot AV for dos” if you ever feel the need to scan in dos. (if you get infected and can’t boot). get it here :


How do I scan from DOS using F-Prot? what files go on the floppy disk?

F-prot for DOS just installs in a directory by itself and is operated simply by starting the *.exe file. You have to manually check for updates, subscribe to the update email system, or use a third party ftp updater for F-prot. Since I’m on W98 I only use for a boot time scan and like Waldo suggested in case I can’t open windows for some unfortunate reason and need to scan for viruses from the DOS prompt.