I connected my camera into pc that could have malware, is it possible that the image and video files could get infected by malware, and then these image and video files could infect another pc they come in contact with?
Yes that is possible.
Please stop asking the same over and over again.
Go READ the answers you have been given in your other posts.
Im sorry, but they werent about this issue. But if it is possible, i guess i can never look at those photos anymore since they would infect any pc i would watch them on.
Also posted in your other topic
Suspicious file(s) can be checked here > virustotal.com / metadefender.com / jotti.org
If file is scanned before always click rescan for a fresh result
Use the additional tabs to find additional file info
Infected media files are usually exploit type
But if the files are on camera, how am i gonna open them and move to be checked online without infecting the pc in the process?
If you are worried about infections, stop entirely using anything that is using software.
And yes, the answer to your question here has been answered in your other threads.
Infected files (usually) dont infect just by moving from one place to another, it is when opening / running
Install MCShield for USB protection
Has there ever been recorded cases where someones files catched infection by malware? How could image file be infected without deliberately making image that contains code that is ran by vulnerability in image viewing software?
The other thread was about possibility of malicious code in devices, this one was about image/video files.
Use google search …
I can only find examples of image files made intentionally malicious, not some malware on pc infecting the files on hard drive.
Please stop and go enjoy your new system instead of wasting your and our time.
If you avast avast, McShield and Mbam installed, the system is as safe as can be.
You are trying to understand things that you don’t even have the basic knowledge for to understand them.
It is like you want to drive a car while not even knowing what a car is.
Of course I know everythings possible, what i was more after how common are thise types of malware that can infect image/video files like I descripted? Is it something to be worried about?
I cant really find anything from google where image or video files were infected like that. All the examples I find are where image is originally made so, that it includes malicious code.