Is It Possible To Disable Avast News Service?

I want to disable the link at the bottom of the summary page titled ‘Avast News Service’. Can I do this thru the Avast settings file? Can a setting be added in the next update?

I ended up having to reinstall my OS after clicking on it last night and my entire Internet Exlporer became unstable and its settings changed. Thats why, but please just answer if you know how to disable this function in the settings file.

Is it paid? Avast! > Settings > Basic > Show remote options or connections ( not sure ). Otherwise no way.

Yes it is a ‘paid for’ version with 3 PC’s (last time I give Alwil moneis if some things dont get the attention they are screaming for). Remote connection is something else that I cant recall at the moment. I know with avast! v4 their was a file you could make changes to for all sorts of custimaization. Havent had to go there for a bit, but maybe Ill find the old post on the board and check it out. Maybe this is why they havent added ‘Ad Blocking’ to Avast yet.

Anyone else got any clues?

That’s exactly the option (except it doesn’t say “Show remote options or connections”, but rather “Show remote content in avast! user interface”).

Thanks igor. I couldn’t remember the exact name.

I stand corrected. Thank you, it worked so far as I can tell. Maybe in V6 I had a bad download as it didnt affect it there, but for now things are as I would want them. I kinda figured that it would be some sort of optional deal.

Just discovered, though it seemed at the time very suspisious, that this feature ALSO turns off any direct links on the support tab in the GUI. So back to the original feature request:

I want to turn off the NEWS link, but I dont want to loose a page as important as SUPPORT in the process. Can this be done? Why not?

No, there’s no specific option for the news feed only (and the news feed is just one line in the UI, so I really don’t think there will be any).
Yes, that options also hides some elements on the support page because they are, just like the news feed, an online content - and not a hardcoded part of the program.