Is it possible to use the command line for on-access configuration?

Is there any possibility of using the command line for on-access configuration?
I know we can run on-demmand scanning, updating, etc. but, in Professional version, is there any way to enable or disable providers, changing sensibility, etc. using the command line.

The objective could be disable providers not used when the user is off-line (in a dial up connection, for instance, you can disable IM, P2P, WebShield, etc.). There are applications that detect the status of the connection (on or off-line) and run an specific command. This way, the user could control the state of the providers.


I don’t think there’s any command-line interface for the on-access protection (even Vlk might suprise us once again ;D).

Anyway, I don’t think it would really help anything. If the “watched-for” operations don’t occur (e.g. the computer is off-line), the resident providers simply don’t do anything. What is the difference if you stop them?

Are you sure that they don’t use resources? (CPU, RAM, etc.)

Yes :wink:
I don’t think they use CPU, and the difference in RAM usage will be neglegible (if any) - the unused memory will be swapped out soon anyway.

Thanks Igor… That makes me more comfortable :slight_smile:

Does Vlk have anything to add?
If we set to ‘hide’ icon from the system tray, is there any possibility of showing the Program Settings running an executable, for instance?

No one word from Alwil team?
I’m just posting to bring back this thread again to the live ones…

I guess if Vlk didn’t add anything, it simply means that no command-line interface is available for the on-access protection.

Thanks Igor. Can you tell him - if he’s not reading this specific thread - that we love answers more than the silence? ;D 8)

Sorry for jumping in but I have to agree. :cry: