is it work

I am first time download avast and I wonder how I could check if program really works because after I register antivirus free program I got a few viruses

Thanks ;D

avast works excellent of course :slight_smile:

by the way…i don’t really get what you mean? ???

Ok, avast works ;D
You can read and test by There are some tests with files, email attachments, etc. that could be good you do to be sure about avast.
You will discover that you must configure avast properly to have it working well. For instance, the sensitivity level of the providers. See camaleon’s post here:;action=display;threadid=5714

Any doubt, let us know. Wellcome 8)

Sorry because I can t express myself properly.
I ment that I register OK but do I have to start antiv. program everytime I go to the net or is it in action and updated automatically when I open internet ;D


It is updated automatically.

Just a quick question though, are EICAR tests really a good test to see whether your Anti virus is working? All Anti viruses generally detect it instantly.

Just a quick question though, are EICAR tests really a good test to see whether your Anti virus is working? All Anti viruses generally detect it instantly.

Well, the antiviruses behave exactly the same way (or at least they are expected to) to the Eicar test file as to any other virus it detects. So, you can check that your configuration of the e-mail protection, the detection inside of archives, etc is correct - if the Eicar test file is detected, any other virus will be as well (if it’s present in the virus database, of course).
So yes, the Eicar test file is good to test if your antivirus is working; the other viruses are basically handled “the same way” as Eicar.

Ok thanks, because Avast! did not detect the Eicar file test on outgoing mail…

Which of the eicar files (zip, txt…)?
What are your settings for Internet Mail provider? Did you check to scan the Outbound Mail and verify attached files?

No, Sony.
If you have a spinning ‘a’ icon on your system tray you are protected ‘on-line’, I mean, the resident protection in on (on-access scanning). Opening the antivirus program interface you will run a on-demand scanning.

Please, set correctly your configurations to be properly protected.
I suggest that, at beggining, you set the ‘High’ level of protection 8)

Thank you for useful inf. I also read instructions for testing program and there is written down that someone might have a problem with deleting this program from PC. Now I have resident protection on HIGH level, automatic updates ON. However I talked to one of my friends and he told me that he got a virus no matter he had a avast antivirus protection.


Sony, if your avast is well configurated you (and your friend) will avoid more virus.
But, there are some virus that depends on a good firewall, an updated Windows, a spam killer, a spyware…
Security today is a ‘long history’…

txt / yes / yes

And did it detect the same file in incoming mail?