Is my Avast Free Hacked?

Is my Avast Free Hacked? I received a yellow popup that mentioned entering a contest. It wasn’t any of the normal colors (blue, green, orange/brown or red) and didn’t have a title bar. It disappeared and the recall last popup did not re-display it.

engine and virus definitions
Current version: 130523-1
Release date: 5/23/2013 11:08:06 AM
Last update attempt: 30 minutes ago
Streaming updates: Enabled
Connection: Connection establishec
Latest update received: 5/23/2013 9:24:41 PM

Current version: 8.0.1483

Hi welcome to our community
Well I don’t know anything about this, I never saw that popup. First update to last version .1489. Then disable everything under community in avast settings. I believe was an advertise, but who knows since no print screen wasn’t attached.

Regards RealNature,

Is this the one, see image (click to expand) ?

If it is then this is from avast, pop-up occurs when you have also received an auto update notification.

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