Is my computer secure enough?

Well recently I changed all my security stuff

(I used to have:
-AVG free
-AVG AS free
-AVG AR free
-Ad-aware 2007 free
-Windows Firewall (vista built in)

and now I have:
-Avast Home edition Free :slight_smile:
-SUPERantispyware Free
-COMODO firewall pro (Disabled Defence+ because it acts like a anti virus) (also disabled windows firewall)
-Mcaffee site advisor

Am I going in the right or wrong direction with changing my security stuff? ???

Is my PC secure enough to online bank? ???
i also use this…
and what is in the pic below
spybot is like ad-aware…used to be good but had lost it magic it used to have :wink:
also try spyware terminator-i use it as my real time spyware protection and like it…no problem on my end here don’t need Web Security Guard or Free AntiVirus Integration-just use the spyware terminator part of it :slight_smile:
click on pic to enlarge!

Thank you for the quick reply… but ummm… does that all hog your resources?

no i just use winpatrol plus and spyware terminator and avast as realtime and my computer is powerful enough to handle it ;D
and the rest as scanners :slight_smile:
glad i could help :smiley:

but is mine safe enough to online bank? has a feature of this built in this program-Phishing Protection
We operate, the world’s most trusted source of phishing data. We integrate that data into an intelligence feed on our DNS servers to keep everyone on your network safe from phony sites trying to steal personal information.
this will help!

Most of the attacks on online banking used today are based on deceiving the user to steal login data and valid TANs. Two well known examples for those attacks are ““phishing”” and pharming. Cross-site scripting and keylogger/Trojan horses can also be used to steal login information. A method to attack signature based online banking methods is to manipulate the used software in a way, that correct transactions are shown on the screen and faked transactions are signed in the background.

I already knew that but Do you think is it secure enough to online bank… like according to what I have my computer is secure or only slightly secure.

I already have phising protection it comes with vista

slightly secure.
use that program also...the one in vista is not that strong 8)

Hi alexthegreat,

Just install NoScript inside Firefox on an account where you can Drop your full admin rights. and you can go to any bank online anytime, just check where you are when you log in, and look at the address, also good if you know the local IP of your bank with ShowIP add-on for Firefox:

That’s it, and your security program formula suits you fine,


your also right damian-but opendns is an added layer of protection :wink:
can’t you do any better than that pic you have below on your post ;D

Hi alexthegreat -

While I agree that in the recent past Spybot-S&D had gotten a little less effective, the latest update greatly improves it’s detection and protection. I would not be so quick to discount it if I were you.

Hi, I think so. :slight_smile: In fact, I have less number of security apps on my pc than you have listed and do online banking/shopping.
One program I use though is roboform for passwords ect.

If it helps you, my configuration here:

I think you’re Safe for online baking if you use Firefox with NoScript and OpenDNS.