Is my tablet still secure?

My nexus 7 was stolen, it is paired with my online account…when it says secure…does that mean that everything is still running on tablet…or is it just going from the last communication with the device?

That’s information from the last communication.
It can have changed meanwhile - but the phone probably wasn’t yet able to communicate it’s new status.

Thank you for the reply…just one more thing…can a thief wipe the data from the device without putting in the avast pin? If so, would it be a good idea to implement something on the software that could revoke a thief the easy re-format of the device?

yes he can.
using the recovery system. this can’t be prevented.

So…I log in to a different account with this tablet on it…now it says the device had communications with the avast account on the nite it was stolen…now the anti theft is disabled. The other account says it is secure still. I think I missed my chance here to locate the device…is it safe to say that avast has been removed now? I don’t understand why only one account was up to date and not the other.One more thing, if the avast panel had communication with the tablet, why wasn’t the ip from which it came updated?