Is onlinelink scan discontinued or left?

Scanned this site on hxtp:// with the following results: PhisTank say’s: This site is safe. SiteTruth say’s: This site is safe. Google Safe Browsing say’s: This site is safe. Threat Name: No Threat FOUND. Link Status: Clean. This site is secure. So results questionable. Has onlinelinks scan been taken over or has it been discontinued or left. Anyone aware?

No way folks was/is this site secure and avast detects malware there: htxp://

And see here: htxp:// alerts for Detected SutraTDS HTTP GET request & Detected malicious injected iframe
IDS alerts to ET CURRENT_EVENTS TDS Sutra - request in.cgi and T CURRENT_EVENTS MALVERTISING Malicious Advertizing URL in.cgi
