is possible to avoid the update blue box

every time avast4 updates the virus patter
i listen a voice & a blue box slides up from system tray

i able to disable the voice but the blue box no!
is there a setting to avoid the blue box slides up

and …


what 's the meaning for ADDinfo ??!?!?

Hi Mantra,

imho in the update-options, there is a button for “silent”
in my logs sometimes “verysilent” appears.
Can’t give you the exact location right now… :slight_smile:

thanks i will try with setting silent…

The ‘silent’ won’t help.

Unfortunately, I don’t think there is a possibility to supress the blue notification window at the moment. Would you like this feature to be added? (by means of an INI file switch)


yes i would be nice

All right mantra, I looked into the program and the option is already there!

Just add this line to the [AAVM] section of your avast! 4 file:


This will suppress all blue info boxes that avast produces.
However, I’m not sure if this is what you want as now it won’t tell you e.g. even when a new program update is ready…


thanks vlk

i think i will suppress it , i use automatic update for both program & virus pattern

i will suppress it because the blue screen is nice, but it stays up for a lot of time time…

as far as i click on the blue screen