Some of you have experienced Peerguardian, but they now it uses an awful cpu. A better option and additional to a firewall could be the use of Protowall. Has anybody used it. What is your view?
Well i know my pc certainly won’t be seeing PeerGuardian ever again instead i use the SafePeer plugin in Azureus and that is good enough for me, but i will give this Protowall a try altough i won’t be using it that’s for sure.
I am going to try the stable version v 1.42 and let you know what i think:
The bugs in the beta 2.01 version:
GUI Bugs:
After hiding either of the Video log window then minimizing and maximizing PW, they will unhide themselves
When PW is set to load minimized, it does not show the Video log windows once it is maximized
The activity tracker on the GUI does not work if logging is not enabled
If PW is forced closed and then reopened, it fails to autostart
PW occasionally starts up with ‘Protowall Failure’ message after updating the list or the app is forcefully closed
Protowall may crash when reloading a blocklist
BSOD has been known to happen, though usually not
The Amber Icon does not always reset itself, so it shows green when Protowall is stopped at times.
Buggy as hell stay away from this one… Peerguardian at least works even though it takes some cpu cycles.I am sticking with Azureus+SafePeer plugin.Stable version my ass… :
So that is final, Protowall does not get our thumbs up.
It is a good thing to use only those proggies and apps that are recommended by the Power Users, and if there is a Power User around it is you, Miha.
Maybe you change your avatar name into “Power User”,
Miha? ;D
Thank you for your confidance Polonus, i like to try out different programs, test them compare them to other programs that do the same job and then make decisions for myself on which is good and which not