Is Scan Run Time Still Broken?

As of update 18.1.2326 six weeks ago, we lost our scan times, they just say a few seconds. Would someone be so kind as to confirm that this is still the case and I do not have an isolated issue?

Anyone? Yes? No? In scan history, have you gotten your scan time back or does it still just say a few seconds?

Can’t test it, my scans are broken. (

Currently Scans are pathetic - sat on 0% for ages doing god know what, even if running a Quick scan, and it is taking an absolute eternity to complete.

Worse still the Smart scan doesn’t create an entry in the Scan History. It too is bloody slow.

The Quick Scan is in the scan history, though it still has the text ‘a few seconds’ but the data scanned it unbelievable for what is purported as a Quick Scan. The previous incarnation of the Quick scan would be up and running in a few seconds and and was likely to complete in around a minute or two at most. This one needs to be renamed Sloth Scan.

Is it any wonder I rarely bother with on-demand scans outside of testing or response to forum questions.

I know I got XP, but my full scan takes almost six hours! It used to be two hours up until last year. But from what you’re saying, your scan time still says a few seconds, same as mine. Thanks for responding. I guess no one really cares. Its been broke for six weeks now. And each scan used to have a separate tab for warnings and threats. That’s gone as well. Two steps back!

You may not have noticed but one of my systems is also XP Pro SP3 and that is the one that I ran these scans on.

Technically it isn’t broken, it scans, it is just not reporting the correct duration. But if you check the details you can get an idea if it is actually scanning the content.

  • With a resident (on-access) scanner the need for on-demand scans is much depreciated. For the most part dormant/inert files are being scanned, the other active files are going to be scanned by the resident shields when they are activated.

When I said it’s broken, I was referring to the scan time, not the scan itself. It appears that my scan is working, it just takes forever (6 hours). And then in the end, we have no scan time, just says a few seconds.