Is support still offered for Avast Home Edition?

I have sent emails to Avast Support in the past regarding technical issues which I have not brought to the forum. I have not received any answers.

Has Avast stopped email support for the free Home Edition?

I like the forum and learn much but it is nice to have the technical staff available when the answers are not forthcoming in the forum.

Any comments from Moderators or Alwil?


well, a few days ago, i sended a file for examination because my trojan scanner detected something…

I’m verry happy to say, that the next day i received a good explenation about the file. from Alwil tech support.

Thumbs up guys !! ;D

Dunno? maybe its because i’m a PRO user, but i don’t think so…I don’t believe it…whats happening ?


Techie101, it´s possible that your e-mail wasn´t delivered to us for some reason - you can try to send it again (
However, we still support home users via e-mail, don´t worry. :wink: But we are recieving hundreds of e-mails every day, so be patient, please.


I doubt that Avast did not get ANY of the 7 emails I sent.
I understand that Avast gets many emails per day, but it has been months now and only 2 have been answered.

I hope this was only a fluke and any futher emails on important issues will be answered.

Thank you.