I installed (thanks) it says “You’re Online Privacy is Protected”. Windows10 PC with MS Edge browser. My family had/has 3 accounts on a CardsGaming Site. Due to an argument, one account got suspended. All of our CardsGaming accounts then show up as SUSPENDED on any device on our Home Wifi network same ISP. It seems to know our IP address or subnet or range or such… won’t allow guest access or new account access (anon) etc.
I erased all cookies for CardsGaming (not the real name of site) site. I installed AVAST PRIVACY and signed up a new account on CardsGaming, verified it to the email I got and account was NOW GO.
So I tried (using) AVAST-PRIVATE (by trial) to sign in but get SAME message with NAME of SUSPENDED ACCOUNT referenced. How does it still know me or recognize me when I am using AVAST?
Thank you
i checked and wahts my ip changed (to avast 171…) how does site still id me? will advanced vpn service help?
Since avast 171… isn’t you, it isn’t identifying your IP but that of the VPN.
Thank you for reply. Site XYZ banned account “A” for argument with a mod. My family accounts “B” and “C” on any device in my home (PC - smartphone) all got message “You are denied access due to Account “A” suspension”.
I deleted all cookie for site XYZ, installed AVAST PRIVACY, even signed up successfully a new account “D”… and all attempts still say "You are denied access due to “A” "… Yes whats my IP shows a different IP (due to AVAST) …
How can Site XYZ still know it’s an attempt from my LAN if AVAST is masking me?
(I had a friend try new acct “D” from his PC in a different state… it signed on no problem. I tried different AVAST servers, no diff. The whole purpose of trying AVAST hasn’t been as hoped for, can’t understand why or whats going on.
I also linked AVAST successfully on PC to/from SmartPhone before trying the XYZ attempts that still fail as it still seems to know me even with masked IP? The smartphone of course is a different HW MAC address than PC. XYZ does not know accounts A B C (and now D) are same residence, yet it somehow does.
Since I have no idea what you’re trying to connect to,
I can only tell you that there are sites and service that do not allow
connection from folks using a VPN.
Thanks again for your reply. My friend who successfully accessed the site from another state with my new acct DID use a (non-AVAST)VPN was not rejected, so its not that (unless site XYZ specifically rejects AVAST servers).