Is there a flaw in Dr.Web antivirus link checker on Vista with FF 3.0.1?

On my XP pc the extension works correctly. On my Vista desktop the extension is not usable. Hope this will soon be fixed. So far, got no feedback from the author. :o

Hey gdiloren, it works just fine on my Vista rig however i had to use Nightly Tester Tools to make it work with FF 3.0.1 …

Thanks Darth, It still doesn’t want to work properly on my vista pc. On FF 3.0.1 I have those extensions:
AdBlockPlus 7.5.5
ColorFullTabs 3.2
Dr.Web Antivirus Link Checker 1.0.17
FastDial 1.90
FinjanSecureBrowsing 1.314
FireGestures 1.1.2
FlagFox 3.2.7
McAfee SiteAdvisor 26.6
NetCraftAntiphishingToolbar 1.2
NightlyTesterTools 2.0.2
NoScript 1.7.7
RamBack 1.0
Wot 20080714
Plus I have WD and ST resident antispyware protection and AVAST 4.8.1229 resident shield protection. I’m puzzled. May be some extension is interfering?

I just created a new user account. Brand new FF 3.0.1 settings. Redownloaded the extension. Miraculously working. I will probably have to mess around with FF on my administrator account. Thanks Darth (this is WITHOUT Nightly Tester tools).
So at least we know it has to do with profiles in ff. :wink:

Hey gdiloren, glad you figured it out. Might be an idea to start with a fresh profile and copy your bookmarks, passwords etc. from your previous profile.

There is a flaw with the extension. It does not work with any other THEME than the DEFAULT one (I guess…). I did not have to delete and create a new profile, it is linked to the THEME you use (you must use DEFAULT THEME). Hope this will help the author!
Thanks!!! :wink:

Hmmm, same here, the pop up window for Dr.Web doesn’t come up at all when using a non-default theme. Interesting bug.

Very interesting and since the FF 3.0 default theme is but ugly I don’t use it and my DrWeb add-on doesn’t work. I will give the default theme a run again to test your theory.

Well test done changed to the butt ugly default theme and did a DrWeb right click link check and as I type this I’m watching the same issue as reported the pop-up is there but it is just spinning its wheels and no check. I give up, enough is enough, life is too short.

So back to my nice Aeon Clouds theme.

David, mine is taking a bit long (1-2 minutes). May be the server was busy. It’s a very useful extension when it gets to finally do a scan! :o
Look at the THEME below on FF 3.0.1 in Vista. I see your theme is different.

For those in love with this extension, you must live with this: :wink:

Perhaps because a) I don’t use Vista by XP Pro

The themes in firefox are over and above windows themes, the windows themes control the active window Title bar. The firefox themes don’t touch this they control the way firefox elements are displayed, e.g. toolbars, menu, tabs, status bar, etc.

I waited much longer than 1-2 minutes and it didn’t even do me the courtesy of displaying a server busy, it simply isn’t working.

Sorry David, I can’t just figure out what’s going on with this extension. For me, I just had to go back to my Default theme and it makes sense (I’m on Vista). Many users were saying on the Dr. Web Mozilla add-on page that their extension worked well on XP. You have pro and cons. Some even say it is poor at virus detection and not worth the p*** in the a**. We internet users take the most we can take as for protection ::slight_smile:

When something takes a long time to scan (assuming that you can get it to bl***y work) then it loses its potential benefits as people simply aren’t going to wait 1-2 minutes for it to display the results.

They will turn to a more dependable service even if that is manual but takes considerably less time like the linkscanner online ( or even the DrWeb manual check ( which incidentally works very quickly assuming it is using the same scanning engine and resources.

It just infuriates me, but how mad can you get at a free tool/service, you can’t you just abandon it.

Extension installation problems??? I’m having problems now with the siteadvisor extension for FF 3.0.1 on my new USER account. Found out it installs but doesn’t stay there, I have to reinstall it at each opening of session. I don’t know if this may be associated to the problem some have with the dr. web antivirus link checker extension. May be!!! ??? Thanks for the link David. As long as I made it work and don’t use it so often, I’m willing to wait one-two minutes or even get a busy server from time to time, but it sure will get me to use it less. But I respect your decision not to use it anymore. :slight_smile:

Strangely enough I don’t have any problem with the siteadvisor add-on.

I just installed the Nightly tester tools extension and I’m trying for the last time on my FF 3.0.1 on my user account on Vista. Strangely on IE7 it’s there and I didn’t have to install it. As you say, we shouldn’t go crazy for extensions in FF, but when you like one, what to say???On my ADMIN account everything is smooth! ;D
NB: As a matter of fact, it disappeared…Closed and reopened the browser! ::slight_smile:

I run all Internet facing applications (browsers, email clients, etc.) under DropMyRights, so they are effectively running as a limited user. Now, if that were to stop DrWeb (and I can’t see why it would require Admin rights) then it is poorly written.

Repeatedly tried to install Siteadvisor in FF 3.0.1 in Vista Sp1 on my user account. Whenever the extension installs successfully (not always the case) it is in light yellow
whereas all the other extensions are white on the board. I tried to press the button “Override all compatibilities”, it went white, but upon rebooting the extension is no longer in the board. I give up. Someone has an idea??? 8)

Installing Siteadvisor in FF 3.0.1 on Vista SP1 and running in protected(non-admin) mode works for me. You could try installing the extension in admin mode(right click FF shortcut and select run as admin) and see if that helps.