Is there a thread on how to prevent the Google Chrome installation?

I just got that pop-up again, the that assumes you want to install Google Chrome. Even worse, “make Google Chrome my default browser” is checked by default! Is there a thread on how to make them stop?

Apparently “I” have installed Google Chrome from that pop-up once before. I do not want to make this mistake again. To this extent I have uninstalled Avast, and have installed AVG, until I can find a way to make Avast stop.

I have no reason or desire to use Google Chrome.

Sorry you don’t like Chrome it happens to be an excellent browser but, we all have our favorites.
Not installing it simply means don’t do the default or quick install.
Costume install and un-selecting what you want to avoid prevents it’s installation.

I’m not talking about the Avast installer, but the updater. I’ve had Avast installed on this PC for two years now.

I could stand it if I just had to uncheck it during the initial installation, but now it is happening with EVERY program update since July.

Sorry you felt that you “had” to switch to AVG. Have you tried to delete every “Google” or “Chrome” entry on your machine.
I do use Chrome on occasion and have encountered no problems. My main browser is Firefox. I agree with Bob Chrome is an excellent browser.

Succeeded, Bi-Weekly.

I’ve set a calender to remind me to do so when it happens again on September 8th, 2012.

I had Chrome installed on my computer the other day when I updated another program.

I just went into the control panel under programs, and uninstalled it.

Keep us posted. :slight_smile:

Are you saying the bug has been fixed?

I was joking, trying to explain my position. This is the fourth time I’ve been bugged by this notification, and once out of those four times I’ve apparently failed to clear the “install Google Chrome” box, because it has installed Google Chrome. Because this has happened at least four times now, I expect it to happen again. I expect that at some point in the future I will accidentally allow Avast to reinstall Chrome, and have to reset my default browser back to my personal preference.

Installing Google Chrome and then uninstalling it does not resolve this issue. Clearing the checkbox does not resolve this issue. Switching to AVG is a worth it, if I there is no other alternative.

Keep you posted? This happened on July 7th, if you remember my post.

Also this:

I’m asking if anybody has a workable solution to this issue, and if not I’m sticking with AVG.

Comparing the protection offered by the two AV’s,
I’ll stick with avast! :slight_smile:
I also don’t have your problem since I use Chrome as my default browser by choice.

Choosing the custom install and then picking the right choices does avoid the chrome browser
unless it’s already installed on your system.

I’m with Bob on this one. Chrome does “not” take up that much HDD space. If you don’t want to use it…don’t.
I think you are getting yourself into a lather for nothing. Or you are looking for an excuse to switch to AVG.
If you want inferior protection on account of a browser…go ahead have at it.
Beware AVG likes to install toolbars. :slight_smile:

Primary Browser: Firefox
Second Choice: Chrome

Before you switch see

If it didn’t work at all, nobody would pay for it. Run Firefox with Adblock+, noScript, and “Browser Project” add-ons, and why do I need an Anti-Virus program?

Avast has had nothing but false positives on my machine, unless you include blocking pop-ups for “Antivirus 2012” with another pop-up. My browsing habits seem to be safe enough to use other programs just fine. Since I don’t get exposed to malware often enough to worry about protection, my Browser is the most important choice to me, as I actually interact with it daily. I prefer anything other than Chrome. At the very least, Chrome is hideous.

THERE IS NO CUSTOM INSTALL OPTION! That is for the installer only. :wink:
There is only a pop-up “Avast has been updated.” On that pop-up there is a checkbox “Install Chrome, and make it my default browser”, it is checked by default.

So I should just let every program on the internet install whatever the heck it likes just because “it doesn’t use much disk space”?
There are a lot of browsers, perhaps I should install all of them? No? Why not? Same difference.

I do not like them in a box.
I do not like them with a fox.
I do not like them in a house.
I do not like them with a mouse.
I do not like them here or there.
I do not like them anywhere.
I do not like green eggs and ham.
I do not like them, Sam I am.

Really? Cause because my employer uses AVG, and I haven’t had that problem. It is going to take two months of using AVG to find out whether or not it installs Toolbars, but I’m willing to take that risk. Unless you have sources that AVG installs toolbars with weekly definitions/program updates.

If AVG does ask me to install toolbars on a twice monthly basis, then I will buy Kaspersky, or anything other than Norton or McAfee, and just disable the over-the-counter bloatware that I don’t need. Just give me a resident shield, and get out of my way.

On that pop-up there is a checkbox "Install Chrome, and make it my default browser", it is checked by default.
Un-Check the box!

Every couple of weeks?

The program doesn’t update that often but if that’s what it is then so be it.
If you don’t like it, you have other choices. They may not offer as much protection but,
that obviously isn’t what concerns you.

Yes, if needed. Shouldn’t be too hard. :wink:

The program doesn’t update that often, but there are glitches that cause pop-ups appear multiple times after an update. Back on July 7th, it seemed I got this pop-up every time I rebooted my computer, for at least three days. I’m still put off from that. I got that pop-up again yesterday. I come here to look for solutions, and I find cries of “Virus Database Updated followed by Virus database Updated”. These glitches are getting very annoying.

I don’t mind having to uncheck it once every six to twelve months, for major version updates. It just gets very annoying when it is more frequent than that. I HAVE neglected to uncheck that box, and I will likely do so again in the future, and I am not looking forward to having to correct my mistake. The more often I get those pop-ups, the more often I will likely have to correct “my” mistake.

I am working full time, and taking college classes. My job is in IT, so I’m correcting mistakes all day long. I don’t want to have to come home and fight with my Anti-Virus software after work, just to use my computer. I want my computer to just work.

This is what I am trying to avoid. “if that’s what it is then so be it.” I like Avast, I really do. I’ve been using Avast since version 3, back when they had that ugly CD Player skin as the default, but it did support skins. I installed the free version on my Linux box years ago. I’ve recommended it to friends, family, and others through internet forums such as this.

I want a way to minimize the annoyances, that is why I posted this thread. I’ve spent most of this thread trying to express my frustration. I deal with enough annoying computers at work, I don’t want another annoying computer when I get home.

If it is what it is, then I will be on my way. Avast is already off of my computer, and AVG is already installed. I guess I will leave it that way.

Please update to the latest version…!! (7.0.1466)

The following may help you to enjoy avast with less chatter:
avast! - Quiet Protection