is there a way to cancel the auto renewal? *more info inside*

So I ordered in nov and i was ok with the auto renewal, then my bf didnt know I had it and ordered it today, and now I want to cancel the nov one, so it wont renew in november, like just use it until nov and not have it renew since I have it already.

please and thank you for your help.

hope someone can help me

Hi LoganJacobWalterDavis, welcome to the forum :slight_smile:

Cancel auto renewal for :

Greetz, Red.
Login and change it.

thank you soo much ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

I would renew my subscription if I didn’t have to enable auto renew. They should have an option to auto renew or send a reminder that the subscription ending soon. I didn’t know there was a way to disable auto-renew. Just letting the marketing people know why I didn’t renew, and just received a notice to come back.

I would renew my subscription if I didn't have to enable auto renew.
You don't have to enable it, you can disable it when ordering.
They should have an option to auto renew or send a reminder that the subscription ending soon.
They have both already for a long time.

There is an option to disable auto-renew before you even finalize your purchase. This option is available underneath the option to select multiple PCs or Years.

They should have an option to auto renew or send a reminder that the subscription ending soon.

Immediately after signing up, you receive a confirmation email. In this email, it is clearly stated what steps needs to be taken to cancel auto-renew if you do not wish to have this enabled. Additionally, reminders are sent 30, 15, and 7 days prior to the renewal of your license with basically the same information as your original purchase and a discount if available. Chief among them, steps on how to cancel renewal.

We don’t quite have the resources to ring someone’s door bell and ask if they would like borrow a cup of sugar from us and cancel auto-renewal :smiley:

We don't quite have the resources to ring someone's door bell and ask if they would like borrow a cup of sugar from us and cancel auto-renewal
You don't? Wow, that is a bummer ;D

Not an answer I expected from Avast. :frowning:
You do have the resources to not make this Auto Renewal something that’s pre checked. :frowning:
You could allow the paying customer to make that choice for themselves if that’s what they wanted. :slight_smile:

Please allow me step in…
Quicksilver tried to make a joke to explain the situation. However, I don’t think it was received as intended, and for that I apologize. While it is the truth that we cannot contact each of our customers individually about this issue, there is definitely space for improvement.

I like auto-renewal feature, it’s called subscription as well. The reason I find it handy is that I don’t have to worry about missing deadlines for future payments, since they are withdrawn automatically. I use it for lot of my products/services without any issues.
In my honest opinion, the main issues that users have with Avast’s auto-renewal feature is that it seems to be non-transparent and many of them who wanted to unsubscribe (cancel auto-renewal) were not able to accomplish it. We are taking steps to fix this. It was never was meant to be “hidden” feature (Avast is never out to steal money from its customers) – rather, we are betting on long term relationships with our loyal customers.

Because we used to have an issue with our payment provider portal log in, we decided to move the cancel auto-renewal functionality to my.avast portal to make it simpler and more user friendly. Licenses are part of my.avast already – the license “management” turn on/off auto-renewal should now appear there as well. We added a auto-renewal label to licenses page already. There is a plan to add a single click cancel auto-renewal link into confirmation emails that we send before charging customers’ cards. We send multiple warnings to ensure that the customer take notice. We hope that this will increase the trust between Avast and its customer. After all, it’s easier to stay with the subscription when you know there is an easy way to unsubscribe, right?

On a personal note, I have many subscriptions but, I’m notified prior to their expiration that it’s time to renew.
Unfortunately the average computer user isn’t the savvy computer user and doesn’t know that they will automatically renew when the current term expires.
A bold statement that can’t be missed when the product is installed stating that the subscription will be automatically renewed,
would go a long way toward ending many of the current customer misunderstandings that we currently see in this forum and unfortunately in many other forums.
As a cautious and experience computer user, I didn’t find it easy to spot the fact that my subscription to AIS will be automatically renewed.
Since this effects the paying customer of Avast, every effort should be taken to prevent any misunderstandings.

I can’t remember seeing auto-renewal being part of the purchase I made in the past.
I expect this option being made available for disabling a renewal asap !!!

I will dig in my mails to see if indeed this was part of the deal I made 3 years ago.

Making things “easy” is a nice way of saying, it’s convient for us as company.

Side-note: what’s up with the my avast layout?? Within IE 11 I was unable to open the dropdown menu for licenses as it would disappear below the device banner. Highly annoying

Congrats lukas. Very well thought. Now it makes it easier for us and the customers to deal with this issue that was of such concern among users.


I think Bob makes a strong point and I also consider myself “a cautious and experienced computer user” and had to “go looking” for the auto renewal info/link on the Nexway receipt email I received. It was in no way easy

Hey guys I bought my avast a while ago and I just noticed it said autorenewal on. How can I turn it off? I went to the my.avast portal and still cannot find it. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

the option is still there as it has always has been.

Had some digging to do and found it in the end. I finally managed to get it to have it on days left till the subscription is no longer valid.

Still 500+ days till I make that call to maybe renewal. The best options one should choose.
When is comes to money any option should an opt-in. I just can’t recall it being an opt-in that’s all.

Yes, the subscription is ON by default. However you can turn it OFF even before purchase - screenshot of shopping card attached. Afaik, having auto-renewal or subscription is quite common today (no flamewar, please).

To “not” have a flame war make it “opt-in” and not “opt-out”.
Or have a separate screen with Bold print signifying opt-out.

Such as…

If you do not desire auto-renewal please untick the box. Then show the box.

I have a bad feeling this type of marketing will cost avast customers.