Is there a way to turn avast completely off?

I would like the option to turn it off, not disable it temporarily, I mean off off, as in it’s not in my task manager at all. I’d prefer not to uninstall it or have to do a system restore to get rid of it, but if I can’t just turn it off when I want, I might just have to. Please don’t give me any, why would you want to turn it off BS, there are reasons, like I need the memory not name one.

Go to start menu and type msconfig in the search bar.

Then go to services and check hide all microsoft services at the bottom, then uncheck Avast in the list.

This is also helpful to disable programs which are running in background and slow your computer down.

Nope didn’t work there either, I’m unfortunately just going to have to get rid of it there are other options I can use, though if not for this, I would have preferred this one.

Thank you for letting me know about that though, it has helped a lot with other things.

Why on Earth would you want to do that!? It’s like buying the most expensive and secure car and then disable all of its safety features.

The only way to totally turn off avast! or any other Antivirus program is to totally remove it.
The program is designed to protect your computer. If you can just turn it off when ever you want too,
then it can’t do the job it was designed to perform.

When your car spits and sputters with everything turned on you need to shut everything off till you can find the problem.
I know how the guy feels I sent a email for help and 3 days later I got a response that has nothing to do with my Avast Interface. I gave the Help Desk all my info and they don’t know what there doing either. I’ve been tempted to go back to AVG Free I had a lot less issues.

Avast Internet Security… 5th year
Win 7 Pro 64