is it possible to start AVAST Home in disabled state? And manually start the on-access protection? Because it slows down my PC a bit when it is starting.
tnx forwardly
is it possible to start AVAST Home in disabled state? And manually start the on-access protection? Because it slows down my PC a bit when it is starting.
tnx forwardly
You can stop the resident providers, one by one, and confirm that you want to persist the changes. This way, they will not be started on the next computer start. (If you’ll be starting them manually later, you should say “No” to “persist the changes?” to keep it that way).
You should know, however, that the resident protection is quite an important thing and keeping it disabled might be rather dangerous.
You don’t mention what the Standard Shield sensitivity is (Normal is the default), the higher this is the more files scanned on boot.
You don’t mention if you have any other security based software that is running on boot that might also be scanning, firewall (with plug-ins), anti-spyware, etc. All of these other scanners will have the effect of duplicating work, because for what they open to scan will cause avast to scan that file.
By far and away the best option is to check what programs are loading on boot and unless they are absolutely essential don’t allow them to start on boot. Many Media players, etc. default to start on boot when you only need it loaded when you are about to play a media file.
it is in normal sensitivity, but I have a lot of programs (services) running in background, because this is some kind of personal workstation, and Im not having any other security programs running, but these services are reading from HDD when starting and it
s realy annoying when AVAST is scaning everything that they read. And after all of them are up, I will start avast.
Thank you for you requests, I think it`ll help.
P.S. - I installed AVAST on my home computer mainly because it is taking much less memory than other AV software, and it`s free in HOME edition