Is there anymore malware removal training sites?

I have applied for alot of schools like g2g, mru, wtt but I never got accepted in the classroom :P.Currently bleepingcomputer has no available slot so I am out of ideas on what other sites that provides malware training.Any help would be appreciated

As you have not filled in your age information in your profile its hard to recommend something.

Probably at least a high school graduation is needed.

Does age really matter?

With age comes experience then together they comprise wisdom.

“Wise men speak because they have something to say; Fools because they have to say something.”

Unified Network of Instructors and Trained Eliminators

Thanks Pondus for the link.

Jepp, now you owe me a favor, the day I need Malware Cleaning ;D

Malware trouble

Bad news.I didn’t get accepted again because I’m not old enough :cry:
Kenny was right.You need to be atleast 18years old to get into the classroom.
Looks like I’ll never be able to find a a school to train in.

Life’s like that

Well being under 18, I presume you are still in school?
This would make it hard for them to teach you really. If I remember correctly, on the info pages it says that it is a pretty big commitment, so school would pretty much get in the way of it…

Understable really…don’t worry, if you really want it, you will be able to eventually…

That means I’ll have to wait for 5 years…

Hi mathboyx215,

You could already prepare here following the cleansing in the virus and worms and learning to analyse malware, my young friend. Later when you come of age to enlist at some bootcamp online training University maybe you know more than those that are to teach you.
The best in the field are and were those really enthusiasts that learned malware cleansing by reading the malware cleansing routines of others, by reading and googling similar manual cleansing routines and adopting these on basis of analyzing tools and logs, by downloading the analyzing tools I gave a link to elsewhere on in the general section you can start to familiarize yourself with this material.
First aspect: you have a brain, use it. Second aspect: you are eager to learn, you want to accept what experienced eliminators hold as standards - in that case you have set a great step towards your goal, you are willing to search on the Internet for genuine info on all sorts of processes, dll’s, files, CLSID’s, you learn about good and bad BHO’s (Browser Helper Objects), bad plug-ins, bad taskbars, malware scripts, and removal scripts.
Third aspect - learn to really search from the once Fravia + ( ) and you can get to all sort of eliminating information, that others cannot get to find. A good searcher is a feared man, ye know!
Go here: and study my young friend and within some 5 years’ time (the time it took me to learn malware fighting “in the wild”) they will fight to have you,

polonus (malware fighter) aka luntrus (NoScript forum)

Thanks Polonus for the link.I will study hard!

about what you are talking ::slight_smile:

Hi superhacker,

I am pointing the “young master” here to several online sites where he can get information on legit executables with accompanying MD5 hashes, system scans to see whether non-legit malicious processes are allowed to run, well in short all the info basis and information one needs to help others in cleansing malware from an infected system.
This is quite an extensive and time consuming study and after quite some time of building up a lot of experience one can start to give advice.
This young man is interested in these matters and we just try to arouse that little spark of inspiration that will later hopefully grow for him to become a qualified eliminator of malware. And maybe one of the best.

Learning this is an ongoing process. I learned most from doing malware cleansing routines together with trained malware cleansers, analyzing malware cleansing routines from official malware removal sites, getting info by searching with google for “malware-so-and-so removal (manuals)”, analysis reports from official av vendor sites, analyzing at anubis and wepawet for new binairies or infected websites. Online tools to analyze - online basis to see what one should cleanse with for instance toolbar.cop and what one should leave untouched for else one could ruin a good running computer.
Learn at the outset that malware cleansing in the hands of the untrained can seriously harm a computer system beyond repair. When to scan in SafeMode, when to disable System Restore, special removal tools for various occasions, etc. etc. And according to my point of view one is never too young to start to gain knowledge about securing a computer and keep it secure, that is why I discuss this…


As polonus has said, there is a saying that my school teachers will not let me forget:

‘Fail to prepare, Prepare to fail’

so if you prepare well enough,it should be easier…

This saying applies here, I think. Remember, anything is possible, it just may take some time…


5 years will go by quite quickly as long as you keep up your schoolwork and malwarework.

Getting high marks in school results in a higher paying job as their graduation certificates are looked at by employers with a sign that you are smart and a hard worker but I doubt a graduation certificate from a malware school would hold much weight.

thank you a lot for information but i make a small virus trojans spyware removers and i dont study at those schools,but me and my friends make a test viruses(not to spread hem)and start developing cleaning methods until now i have analyzed about 3500 malware sample from the world(not my or my friends viruses)and make a programs to remove them so how i can test my knowledge?and where i can develop my knowledge to be an ofeccial malware search:
i am 19 years old study at computer engineering university in Homs in Syria i am very good at c++ and assembly and python and delphi and the SQL and some in perl and some experience in we developing(i still 19 years ,second years at college) thank in advance. :slight_smile: