You might have been infected with either TR/Kazy.8389.7/6 or TR/DyCode.B.9 or TR/Malagent.A.536 or this domain is alive and spreading these kinds of malware:
I think it is the Mudrop one, because no av detects this as yet there: and for cleansing: (use safe mode and disable/enable system restore),
Okay, as I am a complete and total newbie, is there a step-by-step detail for me to follow, somewhere? I am very nervous about trying to do anything with the computer’s “innards”, as it were.
To avoid using multiple post with copy and paste you have to attach the log`s
Lower left corner: Additional Options > Attach ( Malwarebytes log / OTS log )
Essexboy will look at the log`s when he arrives here later today
The fix should only take a very short time. When the fix is completed a message box will popup telling you that it is finished. Click the Ok button and Notepad will open with a log of actions taken during the fix. Post that information back here
I will review the information when it comes back in.
I tried the latest suggestion by Pondus, and for the time being, I haven’t had any more pop-up messages. Should I still try the fix, or will it cause a new problem if the issue has been cleared up already?
Running smoothly and there’s no pop-up panic. Yay!
I do believe y’all are geniuses. Heh. I can’t thank you enough, honestly. I know it’s ridiculous, but even with all the backups in the world - remote or otherwise - my whole blinkin’ world is on this thing. I tend to panic easily, so you’ll probably hear from me again.
Hi, uhm, I also got this an hour ago or so, and I tried the fix, but unfortunately, it didn’t work for me.
If it’s any help, I will note that I only downloaded OTS, and the MalwareBytes Anti-Malware.
I have the logs from my most recent try (I’ve tried twice as of this post). As should be obvious, I’m also a complete newbie, and I ask that you be patient with me, if I am doing something wrong.