Is this caused by Avast?

I have 265 websites bookmarked as favorites. On Oct 1st, about half of them can no longer connect. I enclosed a sample of one of these sites. Any help anyone can provide is greatly appreciated. Google advised to check my antivirus software. i’ve tried firefox, edge, internet explorer and get the same result.

Do you have HTTPS scanning enabled ?

yes it is enabled

Hi, probably related to:

it’s possible that the reason the avast program is flagging the website is because the name on the certificate does not match the name of the website.

(it is strange, in my opinion, that the website’s certificate is only intended to be used for 2 months)

So will this correct it’s self?

try adding the website to the avast program’s “allow” list, to allow access to the website, if that is what you want.

to do that, go to “settings/general/exceptions.” then “add exception.”

added but no change

here is a link for reporting the issue to avast:

or, you could try contacting avast’s “support,” for help with the issue.

of course, one way to resolve the issue would be to uninstall the avast program and to use the “windows defender” av-program, instead, assuming that you are running windows 10 on your computer, which would allow you to use the windows defender av-program.


Did you receive any error notifications from Avast? I was able to access hxtps://
Disable the shields and see if that makes a difference (Right-click on the Avast Antivirus icon in the system tray > click on Avast Shields Control > select an option)

i just removed Avast and no change. About ready to trash the whole computer.

What other security related programs are installed on your system?

I have removed them all.

Unfortunately that doesn’t answer the question.
You also didn’t state what version of Avast is installed and which product.
Sometime it’s important to know how what was install got removed.

Avast One Essential


It is probably related to the Let’s Encrypt expired certificate issue.
Are you on Win7 or Win10?
Try to add these certificates to your device.
Step 1. (Download the certificates)

Step 2. (Import the certificates)
Open the Run app in Windows (Win+R)
Type: certmgr.msc
Click on Trusted Root Certification Authorities
Right-click on Certificates > All Tasks > Import (and follow the onscreen instructions to import them)
Restart Windows

Can’t download or get to that site. It also gives me errors.

What errors, a screenshot may help.

Just clicking the first link (in firefox) shows my download option window (see attached image) so it is acting as I would expect.

here you go:

It looks like you are trying to open the file/link rather than just downloading it.

I just single clicked on the link and firefox asks if I would like to save the file, that is what I opted for. It is then saved to my default folder, I haven’t tried to open it at all, but save it.