is this false alert

We are using Avast U3

Lately we started to receive alerts “Malware found on host c:\windows\system32\logondll”

This file is part of Deep Freeze software ( that we are using on our computers

No other Antivirus & malwarebytes recognize the file as a virus/malware

Is this false alert ?

Thanks in advance

No other Antivirus & malwarebytes recognize the file as a virus/malware
Does this mean that you have uploaded the file to VirusTotal ?

Thanks for the Tip

I have just checked & its clear also there & also by their test of avast

I will have to recheck it :frowning:

Try running manuall update of avast U3 to see if that will fix it

send us ( the file to analyze. Put “False positive” to subject.

Thank you,