is this usual?

guys iv noticed that clean up states that iv never used some applications for quite some time now though i use them everyday should i be worried??is there something wrong??

i use this applications everyday of my life every minute …

I don’t know where it gets its information from.

If I check the old windows add remove programs (programs and features) I see programs that are marked as having rarely been used. Avast for one which is a joke, rarely used and the last time 18/1/2018. Some marked as used rarely and they don’t even have a last used date and they are in daily use.

So if their source is the same it doesn’t surprise me at all.

Personally I do my own cleanup for the most part and don’t allow automatic actions for cleanup tools.

:smiley: ok thank you for the advice

You’re welcome, but I hope one of the Avast team can get back to you with the source of the information.

In the meantime you could check and see what info windows programs and features gives and see if it sort of matches.


this seems like a bug in Avast Cleanup because this time is calculated internally by Cleanup itself based on your interactions with particular apps/programs.

We will take a look at it.

Thank you.

Thank you soooo much Sir

So I tried it on my own PC using the latest available version (build 7734) and it works correctly (I had several programs on the list marked as not used more than 3 months and when I started 2 of them and do the rescan the list was correctly updated).

Could you please send us log files so we can investigate what might be wrong with this feature on your PC?

You can simply send them by executing our log collector utility from this path C:\Program Files (x86)\AVAST Software\Avast Cleanup\tulogcollector.exe.
Just please add your email address there so we can join the logs with your report here.

Thank you very much!

Thank You il send it … it hasnt changed

that the error message iv been getting so i couldnt send the logs but il keep trying

Thank you for prompt reaction, I passed the logs to our developers to analyze them.

I will keep you updated.


Still not fixed ??

and some applications Like Microsoft Word 2019 do not appear at all …a number of application cannot be put to sleep


sorry for the late reply. We checked the logs and it seems that for some reason you have a problem to connect to our backends which provides Cleanup with rating for particular apps.
This rating is then taken into account when assessing when to mark particular apps as unnecessary (how long is the inactivity period).
This is somehow failing in your case which is causing the bug.
However it is kind of difficult to fix because we don’t know what is the problem on your side. However we would like to try it on our own and that’s why I would like to ask whether you have this problem only with Adobe apps or whether it is a problem in general with every app on your computer?

When it comes to your last question regarding MS Word 2019 it is because some apps like e.g. MS Office are whitelabeled by our inside definitions so users cannot either remove or deactivate them for multiple reasons (e.g. it might be problematic to deal with them or it causes some troubles on a users’ PCs, etc.).


Ok Sir i hear you very well and i undertsand you

no not Only Adobe Products …

Realtek Audio


thanks for the additional info you provided us with.

We probably finally found out the root cause of your problem.
Software Cleanup feature has its own cache where we store among others also information about unused programs. This cache has not been updated on you PC because there is a bug in our code which handles these cache updates.

As a quick solution you could try to delete the cache file which is located here: C:\ProgramData\AVAST Software\Cleanup\Cache\Cache.dat and then restart the product service (open Windows Services and find there the one called “Avast Cleanup Premium” and restart it).
It should fix the issue for you until we prepare a bugfix which will be distribute with the next program update.

Let me know if it works for you.

Thank you!