is this virus real?

whenever i download a screensaver or desktop theme, i get a win 32 trojan-gen {vc} in my
c:/program files/common files/updater/delupdat.exe
c:/program files/common files/updater/sui.exe
c:/program files/common files/updater/wupdater.exe

the sites i have tried to download from seem to be trusted sites so i dont know why i keep on getting these viruses

Do you know where these files come from? (i.e. can you provide the URLs for the download)? Or can you submit the file(s) to with a short description?

This is spyware in general… SpyBot or Ad-aware 6 should clean it.

I had the same thing-Delete Delete Delete!!!

haha so which is it?

I do not have" updater" folder anymore.It has been terminated.