The program is free but requires registration just like Avast!. You can read more about it and get it from HERE.
I have downloaded the program but haven’t yet installed it till I get some opinions.
Thanks Neal,
I knew there was a reason not to install. Just goes to prove 4 eyes : : are always better than 2 ::).
Now I just have to remember to come back here in the beginning of Oct. ;D
A late response, I know. So slap me on the fingers for it ;D But looking at the screenshot Bob posted earlier, I would say not needed if you have Avast, Spybot s&d, Ad-Aware and a good firewall. (router with hardware firewall is the best) Looks that it is not adding anything to the protection of your system(s) if you have the ones I just mentioned.
This is just my first impression and I have to look into this application before I can give more details or perhaps even change my mind about it. But at a first glance (is that how you say it in english?) this is what I think about it.
Wondering why they call it Qwik-Fix while they claim to protect/prevent things…
Eddy… thank you for the quick response (this time) LOL
I do use Ad Aware, Spybot, and Spyware Blaster… all Pcs in the house are hooked up thru a router (with firewall). We are very careful what we download, view, open, etc and I feel Ive got it all about as safe as necessary for now.
Ive not used HiJack This yet… mostly cus I probably wouldnt know for sure what I could get rid of.
HijackThis is a very good tool, but also very powerfull. If you let your concentration slip a bit while using it, you can easily remove something that you shouldn’t have. Luckely HJT creates a backup so you can undo it. And there is ofcourse my HJT log analyzer and this website as well as explanation of the entries in the HJT log. One of them you can find if you click on the link in my signature.
“Now, PivX lists the software as a “free download until October 31, 2004”. Notice the word ‘download,’ since it’s kind of important. In an eWeek article it says that the software is “free until October 31.” No mention that it will “cease to function” on that date in EITHER case. As I said, PivX has since modified that to a date of November 30th and clarified matters to explain that “cease to function” really means that it will cease to update itself against new threats.”
This just goes to prove that the old adage of "Truth in advertizing’ is only a myth.
The current trend seem to be: Let’s see how much we can distort the truth and still get away with it.
As usual, the poor ordinary person looses. caveat emptor :
let the buyer beware I have done a Quick-Fix and removed the program from my computer.
This link gives you more informatiom on Qwik-Fix Pro and The Saga of the Not Really Free Software.
Bob and All - I received an email from PivX stating what you said above. That when the free download time expires, Qwik-Fix will no longer update itself unless a fee is paid. It will continue to run at the last updated state without future updates … until the fee is paid.
So much for it being free … it is only free for a trial run period.