After installing Avast 4 in Win 98 SE to get on internet I must now go through my isp & then access Netscape or IE. Before installation
I could just click on Netscape or IE icon to get on. How can I get back to original way of accessing the net?
check the relevant settings in Browser, IE & inet/connections to see whether “automatically dial this connection” (or so) is still activated.
Did you do any changes in software/drivers/winupdates recently ?
???The connect automatically is on in Netscape. When I went into IE now in the tool bar The internet options has a screen saying
“this operation has been cancelled due to restrictions in effect on computer. Check with system administrator”
I haven’t made any chages other than installing Avast in the last
month or so. It is a home computer-no administrator.
It sounds like the “access” permissions in IE have been locked out.
That is why you get the message that you do when you try to open the IE Tools, Intenet Options.
At this point, I would try a System Restore back to a date before you installed Avast.
I am not sure that Avast is the problem, but you need to get access back and the system returned to normal before we can troubleshoot the error.
If your OS does not have the System Restore function, then you must use the DOS function.
At the prompt, enter “scanreg /restore”
This should bring up a simple interface where you select the date to restore the computer to, and click ok.
Be aware that when restoring a system to a prior date, any installations or settings done after that date will be changed.
Good luck
Thanks- Will give it a try.
Much appreciated. JJ
By chance are you running Spybot Search & Destroy? If so, check its settings. The latest version has an Immunize option to prevent changes to Internet Explorer’s settings (Lock IE control panel against opening from within IE (current user).
Hornus -
Thanks - As you indicated Spybot imunization had changed the settings - all problems resolved .
thanks again JJ
You are welcome, JJ. Glad I could help ;D.